Technical News, Information and Commentary

Welcome to VideoRay Technical News
Friday, March 28, 2025 @ 11:29 pm EDT

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VideoRay NewsWelcome, Bienvenue, Bienvenida, Velkommen, Welkom, Willkommen, Benvenuto...

We are so glad you found us. If you want to know what is going on at VideoRay and with our products, this is the place to visit (frequently). While we would like to keep in touch with each of you personally, keeping up with owners of over 2,000 systems can be a challenge. This site gives us a forum to present all kinds of technical information about our products and our people and a few amusing anecdotes as well that do not seem to fit on the glossy marketing pages of our corporate website. We hope to keep you as well informed about what we are doing and our products as if you were to stop by the office regularly and ask, "How are you guys today and what's new?"

Now, about that personal touch... We would love to hear from you and about your VideoRay. Feel free to contact us. Call me at +1 610-458-3"007" (think James Bond), or email
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An Idea Bigger than the Ocean Itself


Most of you might be willing to join a roadside cleanup crew, but how many people do you know that are on a personal mission to clean up the Oceans? And, if someone told you they were going to do just that, would you take them seriously?

Well, allow me to introduce you to Rachael Miller of the Rozalia Project...